Tuesday, June 28, 2011

we will rock you

I woke up this morning to the birds chirping and all of the sheets hurled off my bed, and before i even curled up into that awkward morning stretch everyone does I hopped in to my car to head to the nearest Starbucks. I love walking in bright and early to the aroma of sweet brewed coffee. I normally go in there with my laptop to check my emails before i start my day, but today, today was different. I walk in to order my plain coffee as i usually do, and sitting in the corner on the lounge chair i normally use is a beautiful brunette, not just beautiful but gorgeous. Her lightly curled hair falling over her shoulder, her slim sleek glasses perked up on her nose, and her white buttoned shirt tight against her body. I almost tripped over my shoes at the mere glimpse of this jaw dropping woman.

I carried on to the order counter where i couldnt even mutter the words "Coffee" i was so shookin up! once i was finally able to signal my simple order and collect it on the other side i carried myself and my laptop over to the corner where my inital curiousity began. once i got over there however my misstress was walking out the door and in her seat was a business card. i imedietly picked it up and sat down. the name on the card was lisa and on the back in pen it read, "sorry i never introduced myself but i had to run, be here at 7:30 am tomorrow?"
If this was (and i hope it is) directed to me than i could not be any more happy!!! i will write tomorrow on how it goes!

Monday, June 27, 2011

The First Post Is OUT of The Way... it can only get better!!!

Its hard to know what to expect... First blog and everything. its weird to put writing down for the world to see when you don't even know if its going to be read.
Before i started i figured this was going to be easy. writing has never been a challenge. But how do you write to an audience that you don't have yet?
well this is going to be an introductory post and this weekend i will start to get into the real stuff!

Welp my names Ryan, and I'm that one guy. That guy you feel you know then all of a sudden he throws a curve ball. Ive grown up all over Toronto, Detroit, Dallas, Kansas City, and now Ann Arbor. I am currently single but i wouldn't exactly call it that. I'm you're typical guy. or typical in the sense on how girls view guys. I'm a jerk asshole who cant stay in a commitment longer than a couple of minuets. Does that make me a bad guy? thats up to you!
i have a black lab who i consider my pal more than my pet. hes more loyal than a kings servant. and im thankful for him everyday!
if you have any other questions feel free to ask. I'm an open spontaneous character!